
sharon_resume Grayscale

This well-known quote (author unknown) embodies the spirit and drive that are deeply and irrevocably encoded in my DNA. To some, the EXTRA MILE can be a daunting and lonely place—one where “good enough” and the point of diminishing return tempt the weary to quit, to settle and be happy with the result. I’ve always seen it differently. To me, the EXTRA MILE is where great things happen! Artistic juices are flowing, design muscles are warmed up, and creative neurons are firing at full speed – the equivalent of a runner’s high.

For over twenty years, I’ve been honored to work with great companies, fascinating entrepreneurs, and like-minded souls who also embrace that extra mile! The results are highlighted in my portfolio and demonstrate the breadth of my skill set – from implementing corporate identities, to re-imagining and embracing PowerPoint graphics, to celebrating a really cool dog named Colt.

To my clients, “Thank you for entrusting me with your projects. I am truly honored.”
To my prospective clients, “Welcome to my portfolio. I look forward to hearing from you!”

Click here to see my resume.
